@LucianoZ a con razon
I like to play, draw, listen to music, and in my stupid fantasies my 2 best friends are Fernando and Dr Doe .
Art Profile by ElRandomGMD
Art Banner Edited by ||VulpixGD||
15 Male
Artist~Medals hunter
NG School XD
Somewhere Of Argentina
Joined on 4/17/21
@LucianoZ a con razon
Yep, y, digamos que sr pelo es de mi youtubers favoritos =D .
@LucianoZ x 2
LOL =D .
I thought you were from Mexico for a moment. but I still understand Spanish even if I'm American
En realidad soy de argentina, solo que uso palabras de otros paises para bromear .
xd parecio como algo que el sr pelo haria
QUE TONTO, ES QUE ME INSPIRE EN PELO, JJAJAJA QUE TONTO JA,JAJAJAJAJA, bueno ya perdon, lo hice por que me inspire obviamente en sr pelo =P .